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  • Modding How to create a custom career for The Sims 2   (Views: 205,290 )

    21 Responses

    1. ekrubynaffit says:

      So I’m still plugging away on this lol!!
      When inputing the bonus amounts on the chance cards what format do you use?
      I saw on your pic that for $500 bonus you only entered 5 into the field, but when I did that they only were given a bonus of the amount entered, (eg. entered 2 for $200 bounus given $2) up until level 7 and then they were given an amount into the 1000s!! I havea bonus to give on the last level of $10,000 and it’s giving a million, so am at a loss of what to enter!! Starting to think the base career is somehow corrupted and may have to redo the whole lot again!!

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