House of Fallen Trees **Maxis Makeover** (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 5
Price: §311,963
Lot Size: 4×4
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Four times i have tried to upload this house along with giving it an interesting background story which has taken ages to type up! And every time I go to upload either my internet craps out, accidently push the back button, or stupidly click the x on the tab while goinmg between photobucket back to the site! So sorry theres no large background story, will just say I found this place in Downtown:
and thought it had an interesting shape and alot of potential, once the fugly roof was changed and took away the random bits of flooring jutting out here and there! Also there was a huge underground cavern for vampires I didnt like:
So spent almost two days first filling it in then realising the a=whole foundation will have to be demolished and rebuilt as it was an absolute shambles and would flood when placed back into the neighbourhood. Happy to report that wont haoppen, or it shouldnt anyway!!
Anyway heres the finished product, and must admit I am very happy with how its turned out, and to blow my own horn looks way better than what was originally built!
Dining Room
Half Bathroom
Three Bedrooms
One Bathroom
Two Bedrooms
One Bathroom
Stairways leading to Rooftop
This has been tested, all stairways work, no flooding when placing. There were gravestones in the back garden I’ve brought them inside for a more warmer rest! So may have a residential ghost or 3 show up!
And i think that is finally it!!
Again Thanks to triciamanley for her lovely walls which I simply adore!
Fresh prince for the car
And Salix sims for the awesome loft staircase
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Fantastic! Brimming with creativity and obviously required a lot of patience. Well done!!
I can only guess at the amount of work that’s gone into this, it’s absolutely spectacular! One of the things I noticed was the little fountain with the flowers gathered around it…it’s little touches like that, along with the rest of the house of course, that make things unique, and this definitely is! Well done!
Looked at this earlier but because the sun was shining on my screen I couldn’t see it clearly, now I can see it. Much prefer your makeover to the orginal. An interesting floor layout too, a good use of the awkward space.
Thanks for the lovely comments, Am trying now to find some more unique houses with potential to make better!
I like it.