Historical Home Tour (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §121,839
Lot Size: 3×3
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Contains custom content
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Lucinda Fontaine did too much remodeling on this vintage Victorian and as a result was furious when the home was removed from the Historical Home Tour. She threw herself into her work and is now a business executive. She also met Scout Tester who kindly came to welcome her to the neighborhood. It was a whirlwind courtship and they had a roof raiser wedding in the front yard. She’s expecting her first baby and debating whether to quit her job because Scout is under employed as a mascot. We will see what the future brings.
custom content by me includes walls, floors, and furniture recolors
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This is really lovely, and I love your story telling!
This home has great curb appeal. I love the decks around the front and back! Best wishes to the happy couple
Stunning! I adore the lounge and dining room, so cosy and homely!
So pretty Tric! And I always love your wee back stories! You really amaze me with how its just basegame looks so much more than that! Basegame Queen of the world!
Tricia all I can say is that your houses never cease to amaze me!! Awesome again!!
Thanks so much for your lovely comments. They mean so much coming from you who are all fabulous sim architects!