Hatton Lake House (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §40,425
Lot Size: 3×2
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Hatton House is a charming cottage built by LadyAngela for Henry Hatton’s daughter, Celia. However, Celia chose to go to university instead of settling down right away. She studied ichthyology and decided to raise exotic fish. Since Hatton House had plenty of room on the lot, Henry dug a pond for the purpose.
He also did a little remodeling to prepare the cottage for his beloved daughter.
When Celia came home she was thrilled to have her own cottage in which to start her life’s business.
Celia moved in and decorated to her taste.
Celia was so happy with Hatton House and especially her beloved pond. She loved to swim with the fish.
Sadly, one afternoon, Celia and her friend Marissa Bendett, were found floating face down in the lake. It would seem that one had drowned trying to help the other. The unfortunate cottage has sat empty since them.
Perhaps fish loving sims will move in.
Special thanks and credit to: LadyAngel for the original cottage, patul@MTS for the swimmable lake tutorial, and rgiles@MTS for the transparent tiles. Other custom content by millyana@TSR and me, triciamanly@simfansuk.
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Missing files once, maybe, but twice? I’m almost 60. Could it be my age?
Lol, I wouldn’t worry about it, I do it all the time 😀
I really love what you’ve done with this lot, what an amazing difference! Thrilling story, too!