Funkadelic – Stereo Variety (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Electronics – Audio
Room: Multiple Rooms
Price: §395, §1200
Poly Count(s): 1674, 614
These are some add-ons to the Base Game Stereo Funkadelic. It is the most useful stereo but its size make it to somewhat insignificant.
I made it bigger, not by stretching it but by remeshing its proportions. It is the same stereo, a little bit more room friendly.
To give a little bit more variety, I used the mesh from the expensive stereo and made a new and smaller version over the funkadelic too.
It is recommended to place it between 2 parallel walls. The reason is that the funkadelic use half-tile and sims can cross the edges of the new mesh. I still don’t know how to change this.
As I removed all extra details, the mesh became really small. I use the wall speakers instead.
The first version is slaved to the original funkadelic, but the second is not because the textures are different.
To make it Base Game only, is enough to reclone the funkadelic from a Base Game environment and replace the mesh and eventual textures.
Have fun!
Poly count:
1 – 1674 price § 395
2 – 614 price § 1200
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