Full tile Wood Column with fence (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Columns
Price: §0
Poly Count(s): See post
This is an specific column, that I made to complete my unuseful false twin staircase. 🙂
It is full tile and has a fence cloned from a Base Game fence. In fact they are 3 columns: one has fence in only one side, other has a corner version of the fence and the last one has no fence at all.
They are in 3 colors: pine, dark wood and white and have respective walls and floors in same colors.
Resuming: this is a normal game column that occupies a full tile and comes with floor and wall to combine with. If used in the last tile of a lot end, it simulates a fenced room on the second floor where normally is not possible to make a closed end. So, an unuseful visual add-on.
I stablished § 0 as price, just to have the fence as first item in the catalog. Easy also to get rid of it, if deemed far too unuseful. 😀
Poly count:
fenced: 726
Corner fenced: 1438
No fence: 14
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I can’t seem to find this in the game catalogue 😕