Set Family Money

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  • Home Forums Game Help & Chat Sims 2 Sims 2 Cheats Set Family Money

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    • #106

        Whenever you crete a family they will automatically get 20,000 Simoleans. To get more than that create a family making sure that the last name does not have any spaces and then at the ‘Neighborhood’ screen press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + C and enter familyFunds as a code (example ‘familyFunds Jones 100,000’). This cheat can also be used while in a lot providing you control that family.

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        Simply Simful

          Re: Set Family Money

          If you want your sim to be filthy rich, you can place your sim in an empty lot like I do and then you open the cheat console with Ctrl+Alt+C and type in: Motherlode
          Once you type it in, you need to highlight it and copy it. After that you can you can use Ctrl+V+Enter and it will repeat until you have 9,999 in the sims account. There is also a career you can get on MTS that is called assassin career. Once you begin playing that career, your sim will be challenged by another sim at work. If your sim wins, you get 50 million! Your sim will work 1 hour a day from 5 to 6 am and you bring home 10,000 each time they go to work.

          Edit: Once highlighted: Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V paste.

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