My Sims need new houses

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    • This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by marka93.
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    • #1154

        Hi all.

        Well I am in a building slump after looking at all the great houses on here. (I cant make great houses like you all can.)

        So this is what I would like to have.

        I need 4 sets each set has one-2 bedrooms, two – 3 bedrooms and one – 4 bedrooms. Must have 2 bathrooms each. (Can have more bathrooms.)

        1st set under 12,000 if it can be done.
        2nd set 12,000-20,000
        3rd set 20,000-25,000
        4th set 25,000-30,000

        Each set needs to look somewhat alike with each set looks dif. for the other sets.
        Each bedroom needs to be no smaller than 5×5.
        Each house needs to be made like you play from the back looking towards the front.(This is how I play.)

        No CC, must be all Maxis in-game stuff. (Can have any EP/SP stuff.)
        These houses will be used and need to have good flow to them.


          Re: My Sims need new houses

          I’ll try the under 12,000 one. I’m assuming that’s unfurnished. I’ll upload one and you can tell me if you want the rest. Thanks for the idea.


            Re: My Sims need new houses

            oooh thats interesting! Anne if anyone can do that its you!!


              Re: My Sims need new houses

              Yes unfurnished for all of them.

              Thank you for your time.


                Re: My Sims need new houses

                I could do the 20,000-25,000 if you like, wont be until after the 5th of Jan I get started though if you dont mind waiting.
                When you say Each house needs to be made like you play from the back looking towards the front. Does that mean the front door at the back?


                  Re: My Sims need new houses

                  Front door in the front its just I like to watch from the back so I can watch the trash can kickers and do away with them if there townies.

                  Road is front.


                    Re: My Sims need new houses

                    Hi Marka, have so far made two in the 20,000-25,000 range, heres a pic of each of the front and the floorplan to see if thats the thing you are after. Have done so far the two bedroom one and the 3 bedroom one.



                    For the next one how do you feel about split level?


                      Re: My Sims need new houses

                      I’d like to try the 25,000 to $30,000 one. Have never done one that small, would be a good challenge for me. Hope this is okay? with you. I’ll get started now.


                        Re: My Sims need new houses

                        I don’t know if I left you a post or not, but I will be glad to try the 25,000-30,000 if you like?
                        Thanks, maybe this will help me in making a smaller house then I usually do, mine are quite large all the time and with your’s
                        I’ll be able to learn to create a smaller home.
                        Thanks for the opportunity.


                          Re: My Sims need new houses

                          Every one should do it for that will give all of us new homes for our Sims.

                          ekrubynaffit those houses look great, have you up-loaded them yet.

                          Found them and thank you.


                            Re: My Sims need new houses

                            Hi Marka93,
                            Did you get the house I uploaded for you? I wanted to make sure you liked that one before I went on, I do my houses a little different then the other’s here.
                            My kitchen’s are at the top of a building, second floor. Please let me know if I should go on?
                            Thanks, and will be glad to make 3 more for you @ 25,000 to 30,000
                            Chi :>D<


                              Re: My Sims need new houses

                              The house looks great and I will get it but it seems like I may not have said what I am looking for. (Going now to get it.)

                              The house only has 1 bedroom and I will get it but I need one house to have 2 bedrooms and two houses with 3 bedrooms and one house to have 4 bedrooms with all houses having at least 2 bathrooms and the 4 houses in each set need to look some what a-like.

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