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  • Decorative Formal But Homey Curtains   (Views: 1,698 )

    4 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      These are fantastic, can’t wait to use them in my game!

    2. xptl297 says:

      Just about the Rod, if you like to create similar objects you could use a normal decorative object as clone base instead of curtains. As the object stays high on the room it is not even important if it has several tiles and you could save GUID by using a single tile clone. By using decorative objects you have the choice to manipulate the Init bhav and make the object passable without the use of Move objects. It is very easy. 😉

    3. triciamanly says:

      xpti, thanks so much for the good advice. I have a lot to learn in this department!

    4. CheekyBugga says:

      Everyone at this site has become so very talented!! Good Lob Anne

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