Forest Vista (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 4
Price: §147,591
Lot Size: 3×4
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A sim named Wingo bought a model like this one because he is what we call a “tree hugger.” He truly appreciates the beauty and simbiotic functionality of trees, the cleaner air, the coolness, the general greenness. Sim builders dug a huge ditch across the back of this property and planted birch trees at the bottom. This created a giant hedge efffect to completely privatize the backyard of this home. No telescope will be able to penetrate it and best of all, it doesn’t need to be trimmed. The house itself has walls and walls of glass to let in the light and beauty of the trees. The glass fence is actually a ground level window, so if you have an extremely short sim or toddler who wants a window at his or her level, you now have one. I know the ground level window is not original to me, I really just wanted a new fence and didn’t know how to make one.
windows, floors, walls, furniture recolors by me
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Lovely Anne. I really like that pic of the lounge that appears to be from the balcony.
I was going to say the exact same and also is that wall divider something you made? and if it is is it available??
Thanks so much dears! The room divider is my grid frame window. I could upload my windows here but they don’t work diagonally yet. I wanted to get them to do that before I upload. If you want to download this house you can get it and you’re of course welcome to use anything I ever make!
Wonderful Anne! You are doing amazing, now making windows as well!!!
Fabulous, especially the balcony. Your modern creations are inspiring me to try one, too!
Thank you one and all for commenting! Lady Angel, I hope you will build a lot, modern or otherwise! You have some great new textures to use!