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  • Residential Featured_postFantasy Lot – Cruise Ship   (Views: 3,197 )

    6 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      How absolutely amazing! You have such wonderful attention to detail I don’t know how you do it!

    2. Wow! This looks, well just, wow! Might look better on a lot that’s next to the sea?

    3. xptl297 says:

      I build all the lots on the same hoods (totally empty), then I test them in one of my active hoods. I placed the cruise ship on a hood that is an island. After placed, I changed the hood terrain so that there was no land left behind the lot. It is not possible to build directly on the game beaches and would cause a lot of issues, unfortunately.

    4. triciamanly says:

      You are in a different league xp!

    5. xptl297 says:

      Really? Well, I sit on the bench and disturb the whole game! 😀

    6. chilili says:

      WoW, what a home this would be and also the talk of the neighborhood, I love it, and I love the boat too, Gee which one do I want the plane or the boat, oh what the heck, I’ll just get both if I can, Yea 🙂

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