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Family Haven – Base Game, No CC (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §175,764
Lot Size: 3×3
3 bedroom, 3-storey home made with just the base game and no custom content.
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This is amazing, Sophie, I can’t believe this is base game with no cc to boot! Strange as it may seem, I love the bathroom the best. Your garage/basement is great, too!
Great use of colours in this one 🙂
Looks very British, except for the pool of course 🙂
Lovely use of colour and decor.
This is a great example of how to build a cute house with base game only! I too like the way you placed the bathroom counters.
The whole house is great BUT the best room for me is the last Double Bedroom Dark Bed with cream Carpet Looks awesome Princess 🙂
Thank you for the lovely comments. I usually struggle with base game so was quite proud of this 🙂