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  • Clothing Featured_postEveningStar – Lovely Gowns for your Ladies   (Views: 3,831 )

    6 Responses

    1. ekrubynaffit says:

      Wow, stunning dress Mayonakakisu (I think I may just call you Mayon from now on lol) you’ve done a beautiful job, and also your screenshots are equally lovely!

    2. LadyAngel says:

      These are so, so beautiful! The orange one is stunning, and your textures look amazing. Thank you so much for your first upload!

    3. Very pretty, thank you 🙂

    4. MayonakaKisu says:

      Awwwwwww…*GLOMP*! Thank you so much. made me the Happiest,
      as I put much time and love into my creations and screenshots.
      btw. hahaha! Mayon fine with me, but if you want, you can call me Mayo…most of my Friends call me that ^_____^

    5. MayonakaKisu says:

      My Pleasure and Thank you so much for this Lovely comment Yay! 🙂 some one likes the Orange one.
      I was worried about that dress, I’m so used to, lot of people don’t like that color. so an extra Happy Thank youuuuuuu *HUG*

      btw. I posted this one on MTS. hope that is OK That I post both here and there??
      I’ll also have Plans to make some Special creations for simfanUK, that I’m planing on to share here
      to start with (…and maybe somewhere else some time later on, dunno about that yet?)

    6. MayonakaKisu says:

      YAY~Thaaaaaank youuuuuuuuuu *BIG HUG*

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