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EA Oh, Baby Stuff (Views: 1,534 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Sets
Room: Nursery
Price: §Unknown
Poly Count(s): Unknown
This was originally on the Sims 2 store, but it doesn’t exist any more. I didn’t make these, I’m just hosting them. I have no idea which packs are required for these so I just left those options empty.
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Hi LadyAngle.
I have every thing uploaded to my Sim File Share account and here are the links for them.
1. All store items
2. Sims 2 eGuides.
3. Ever thing else including all pre-order items .
If its not ok to have these here then go ahead and delete them.
If you need info for what EP they need go to the wikia and search for the item.
That’s no problem, thanks for the links 🙂