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EA Asian Fusion Set (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Sets
Room: Bedroom
Price: §Unknown
Poly Count(s): Unknown
This is a set by EA that can’t be found on their site any more as it doesn’t exist! I didn’t make these, I’m just hosting them 🙂
I’ve put these in the buy mode category, but it’s a set that includes Body Shop items also. As far as I know, they are base game compatible – if you know different, please tell me so I can update the download.
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Oops! Look like a lot to sniff around! Love this (evil laugh He-he-he!) Hope I don’t get disappointed. PS: Took a quick look on the package, it is good stuff but not Base Game except for a couple of end tables, a coffee table and a dresser. All the other furniture items are Pets codded and would crash any game before Pets. Some items are requiring an EP 12. Few items are 8C/01 that means they can be used in LS, the others are 8D/1000. The bodyshop items are hairs (good stuff, relatively Low poly count), clothing so to say, modern Asian texture but I would prefer other recolors. I could revert all the furniture to Base Game/LS if any interest, sofas, chairs, tables, some plants are interesting but most of the material I would be much more happy to steal the mesh. He-he-he!
Oops, I’d better update the info to include the Pets EP. If you could convert them, that would be fantastic, thanks!
I converted already but resulted in an 8MB .rar file. Where or do you want to have it? It is really good stuff and I have already build a house with them. Moved one of my sims, specially created for that house. I also created some add-ons that I’m going to post today.
I’ve recently updated the forums so members can post upto 100MB with their uploads. Thanks so much for your fast work on this!