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  • Sets EA Art Nouveaulicious Set   (Views: 3,248 )

    2 Responses

    1. xptl297 says:

      The beds and the chairs require Pets. Though the Object Data is classified as 8b (original Base Game), both bed and chair have pets interactions. I’m not sure about the socalled Store Edition because I never had it. There’s a requirement for 8000 Edition in the field 2, that I sincerely don’t know the meaning. I know that if it is a second EP requirement (2) it means “Mansions & Garden”, never seen the number 8000 placed over there. Unless you have a special Store Edition to your Base Game and this Edition covers or ignores Pets interactions, the presence of such interactions would crash your game. It crashes LS so I would say that they require Pets. Body Shop items are EP independent so you can use them all. The other objects don’t have Pie Menu so it is likely to work in all game configurations. Thanks for those big packages, it is very interesting to mess around them 🙂

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Thank you, post updated 🙂

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