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  • Residential Crowley Corners   (Views: 4,763 )

    11 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      Tric, I can’t believe you’ve made this with just the base game, it’s fantastic! I love the barn, the landscaping, the decor, everything…and thanks for using my wall covering, it looks really good where you have it. 🙂

    2. Guardgian says:

      OK I pack my stuffs for an immediate departure at Hannah’s Granma’s cute, lovely, cosy and charming house ! I loooove the barn and the pond ! I’ll get for sure some fancy fishes from it… I’ll send you postcards… Byyye I am gone !

    3. triciamanly says:

      LadyAngel, I’m so pleased that you like Crowley Corners. I hope sariannae does too! I had to go back and reread the swimmable lake and waterfall tutorials. Maybe I should make all of my houses regardless of when or where have swimmable lakes and waterfalls so that I don’t forget how to do it!

    4. triciamanly says:

      Guardgian! HaHa! Thanks for the laugh and the comment! It would be a good place to get away from the icy cold, huh?

    5. sariannae says:

      OMG this is amazing and yes i love it, thank you so much Tricia and Lady for your contribution as well, this is perfect, the file wont let me extract it to my game 🙁 says its corrupt

    6. LadyAngel says:

      Try downloading the file to your desktop and using AlZip to extract.

    7. sariannae says:

      i did, it says its corrupt

    8. LadyAngel says:

      Hmm…not sure what to suggest. I managed to install it with no problems. 🙁

    9. triciamanly says:

      You know, maybe this doesn’t have anything to do with it,but I usually use internet explorer to upload because when I try to use firefox I can’t see my photos in photobucket. It’s so weird. When I use internet explorer, I can’t see the whole toolbar here but I now know that insert image is right next to the blue circle and red x. Then after I upload something using internet explorer, if I go to firefox, I can’t see the images. This may have nothing to do with the corruptness, I don’t know. Could it? I really want sariannae to be able to install Crowley Corners.

    10. sariannae says:

      i have it now thanks alot for sim pack for it Tricia now i just gotta find a child size miley and the boy sim and an adult of her dad and gramma

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