Creating Sims 4 University Lots Tutorial (Views: 241 )
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How to create housing and community lots for your university sims in the Sims 4 game. What you will need:
The Sims 4 – (Affiliate link)
The Sims 4 Discover University – (Affiliate link)
If you’ve ever built dorms in the Sims 2, you may be expecting something similar, but the Sims 4 is completely different. You can choose to build two different university lots – housing and commons:
Building University Housing
We’ll begin with the housing. You won’t be able to add a cooker, as they eat at the commons. However, you can add four beds, bathrooms, microwave, sinks and such. The purpose of this tutorial is to show you what you can do, so the quality of these builds will be very minimal!
Under ‘Requirements’ you will have three categories: Required, Forbidden and Optional:
You can either click on an item under ‘Requirements’ or click the ‘University Housing Items’ in the catalogue inventory to show the items you need:
As you can see, you need four beds and at least one toilet and shower, so go ahead and build! You can also add the optional waste disposal. You can make it as simple or as luxurious as you like, but as long as it has the required objects, you can go ahead and play or upload it:
Building University Commons
Commons buildings are where your Sims can go to study, eat and play. There are two types of commons, and both have different requirements for study, but you can easily find them by simply clicking on the item under the ‘Requirements’ menu as in the above images.
If you are so inclined, you could add recreational items, such as a pool, games and other things, but once you have the required items, your lot is ready to play or upload:
And that’s it! If you do decide to build any using this tutorial, I’d be very happy to see them! 🙂
Required Expansion Packs:
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