Cheap Shower (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Plumbing
Room: Bathroom
Price: §125
Poly Count(s): 1184
This is a very cheap shower. The mesh is based on the communal shower but is totally reprogrammed. It is no shoo, because I use it as Garden shower, though sims will shower nude and some surprising screams will happen. It is also independent from a wall ’cause I hang it on the most absurd places.
I recommend not to make it dependent from a wall because there are some issues I’ve seen in similar objects, when they lose their grab point. Just place it against a wall and the shower head and the mixers will fit correctly. The poly count was dramatically reduced once the plumbing should be already in the house, hope so!
So, this is not only an object, but complete remade and modded.
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Thanks xpt I do love your work 🙂
Excellent, thank you!