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Residential Newcott


4 bedroom cottage with tons of room inside and small gardens outside

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Residential The Block


When I saw TofuSnorlax’s beautiful new tile collection, I decided to highlight them in this modern duplex, The Block, located just minutes from downtown and perfect for two career sims.

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Residential Alladinโ€™s Cottage


This cottage was originally built for a house building challenge at I have modified and completed the garden since then and tried very hard to reduce the amount of custom content.

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Residential Palace of the Maharajah


On a scorching plain of India you will come across an oasis of verdant palms, flowering shrubs, and a little pond of fresh water fed by a spring.

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Residential Elevation


Lot Details: Bedrooms: 3 Condition: Fully Furnished Price: ยง187,696 Lot Size: 4×3 [wpfp-link] Extra Info: Contains custom contentContent is included Tags base game,residential,sims 2 Edit Post Delete Post Elevation is a 3 bedroom, 2.5...

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Residential Featured_postMagdalena


I picture Magdalena in Costa Rica or El Salvador. It’s all white stucco with brick accent, and white tile throughout creating a spotlessly clean, although not sterile environment.

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