19 Pastel Way – No CC (whoop, whoop!)
Number 19 is a spruced up Villa, keeping to the Villa like charm on the outside, while a bit more a a modern take on the inside.

Metro Modern
The house has 2 bedrooms and 2.5 baths, open floor plan, carport which should accomodate a driveway, pool, jacuzzi, and outdoor fireplace. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the house is Seasons proof with its slanted roof.

Old Smithy – Base Game, No CC
This is a simple, no frills, 1-bedroom cottage made using just the base game and no custom content.

Morriston Cottage
A small cottage, which is perfect for a small family who wants to escape from the hustle and bustle of town and city life.

Desert Palms Apts.
Sim builders bought foundation plans from world reKnown designer E.K.Rubynaffit of New Zealand and erected these luxury apartments.

Bamboozle Blvd.
This house only has 1/4 high stairs which can be easily swept.

If your sims are like billions of others, they should like this house. If they are searching for exotic, unique, or imaginative, perhaps not!

Chandler Cottage – Base Game
I’m listing this cottage as 1 bedroom. I have placed furniture in the attic to show how the space can be utilised, but I’ve not tested it, therefore cannot advertise it.

LeRachael – Requested
Another one Im bringing over from mts, this was a request from a mts memeber, Rachaelstar713 from this plan https://www.houseplans.com/plan_details.asp?id=4330
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