Hermit Hank Hoffles Hut
Hanks Hut is fairly straight forward pretty much consists of one room that houses his bed kitchen and longe and a small bathroom, out house round the back. Will cost 45,077 because the more dirt there is the more expensive it will be!!

Edward and Bellas Cottage – Breaking Dawn
I received this request from OJDVictim7000 at mts over a year ago and couldnt resist as it involved building a house from a description some of it below.
by ekrubynaffit · Published September 13, 2012 · Last modified November 6, 2016

Vampire Lair – Requested
This was a request by Kmango. A House for a vampire that wasnt too big. Its a on a large lot but the house itself isnt too big.

Pastel Way Community Church
Theres not really alot to do here at all, just call it a nice quiet place to visit and think!

Frankie’s Farmhouse
This converted farmhouse still retains it’s old name, but has been transformed into a luxurious 4-bedroom family home.

7 Pastel Way – Split Level
3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Study, Open plan Kitchen, Living and Dining Rooms, Fake Garage

8 Pastel Way
Just a little one but with a bit of a hefty price tag for something so small!

9 Pastel Way
I had to build a pink house to fit in with the Pastel way series, sorry, its ended up being a bit more pink than I intended!

11 Pastel Way – Basegame NO CC!!!!!
I have made a treehouse more for looks than usuable, so its probably usless but feel free to download a ladder and see if the kids can hide up there!

12-13 Pastel Way
Every Street has one, that eyesore house with the peeling paint, the car on piles and long grass where you could hide a lion, the house that looks like it will fall down in the next gust of wind, but dosnt.
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