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Starter Homes House On Hill


Lot Details: Bedrooms: 2 Condition: Partly Furnished Price: §19.986 Lot Size: 3×3 [wpfp-link] Tags no cc,residential,sims 2,starter Edit Post Delete Post This is a typical norwegian starter house. You find one everywhere, except for...

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Starter Homes Suburban


Lot Details: Bedrooms: 2 Condition: Partly Furnished Price: §19.990 Lot Size: 2×2 [wpfp-link] Tags no cc,residential,sims 2,starter Edit Post Delete Post I took as start point the look of the Base Game house of...

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Starter Homes City Studio


Plenty of space, but a studio is not exactly a place to raise a child.

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Mods Uni – Goto Class – Revised


I reduced the ticks used at the portal to pass through, so that many sims can use less time to cross it.

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Residential Featured_postCul de Sac


Special request for MTS member Rabarb, this is a cul de sac with 3 mansions for snooty sims who like to show off their wealth while socializing with rich neighbors.

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Residential Brampton Cottage


This tiny tudor-style cottage has all that a small sim family could need, two bedrooms, a family lounge and a large versatile garden. I do hope you enjoy it

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