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Garden Shrub tall – other sizes


The Base Game Square Shrub comes in two sizes that I consider insufficient. So I made 2 more sizes.

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Residential Black ‘n White


Lot Details: Bedrooms: 4 Condition: Fully Furnished Price: §149,953 Lot Size: 3×3 [wpfp-link] Extra Info: Contains custom contentSome content is included Tags house,mansion,pool,residential,sims 2 Edit Post Delete Post Just an old lot from mts....

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Community Featured_postCentral Perk


Central Perk is rather straight forward, pretty much one room. Have included public toilets and also a wee kitchen area so your sims can go for a meal. Theres also a podium off to the side.

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Plumbing Bath wild


Here is a bath tub to be placed outdoors. Sims will bathe nude but there will be no shoo.

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Plumbing Rock Fountain Batheable


For this object I used a work from Marvine as template. The original is available at MTS2 or Insimenator (or both!).

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