Cat Condo Space friendly (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Pet Objects – Cat Condos
Room: Outdoor
Price: §Condo §450,- Box §145
Poly Count(s): Condo: 632, Lod90: 59, Pet Box: 594
This is a cat condo. It is slaved to the original, so it will take all recolors.
Nothing special, except that I separated the cat scratch part from the box below. The box now is attachable to the condo without cheats and can be used by small dogs too.
And it is going to use the same space of One. A bargain!
Included is a Lod90 file so that all Cat Condos become viewable from Hood view.
Poly count:
Condo: 632
Lod90: 59
Pet Box: 594
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Oh my cats would love this, and so do I, thanks!