Careporter (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Miscellaneous – Children
Room: Nursery
Price: §100
Poly Count(s): 1368
In my game, females having babies, toddlers or children cannot go to work. So, I created a sort of teleporter which only function is to get rid of kids, so that their mother can earn money. At minimum one hour before your Sims get the carpool notice, you should point your kids to the Careporter. Only toddlers and children can use it, they will enter the device and simply disappear for 6 hours. You can use more than one on the lot, but there will be no conflict because the careporter is programmed the same way as the electro dance machine or whatever you call that device from Uni EP, that is, if the device is in use, time will be given to wait for availability. Don’t know if it works Base Game, so I establish University as minimum requirement.
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Now this is handy! I just need one for real life and I’m set to go! 😀
Me too! And all my kids are more than 40!
This is very interesting.
This is horrific! But also ingenious!
I don’t have any sim-kids yet having just returned to a brand new neighbourhood and a single household of 8 adult sims but i’m sure as soon as it becomes obvious someone in pregnant I shall be downloading this.