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  • Decorative Before and After   (Views: 3,218 )

    5 Responses

    1. CheekyBugga says:

      Tiff!!!! Never be sorry g/f!! I think it was a lovely thought doing this for your Country 🙂 I hope and pray it helped you come to terms with what happen,So you can move on to a happier ,brighter future in the land that you Love 🙂 This was and is a very nice gesture Thank You!!!

    2. Tiff, these are beautiful in a different way. As I read your post I really felt for you. Thank you so much for sharing them and your thoughts. I will download some of these to use in my lots.

    3. LadyAngel says:

      I think in the UK we have no understanding of these types of disasters – thanks for the reminders, there’s no need to apoligise for your feelings. 🙂

    4. triciamanly says:

      A beautiful memorial, healing, going forward, hoping for a brighter future! We love to say “God Bless America”, and now I say sincerely, “God Bless New Zealand!”

    5. ekrubynaffit says:

      Thanks guys for the lovely comments. Have added one of the most important that I couldnt believe I forgot!

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