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Barnsley Antiques Shop (Views:

Price: §?
Game Version: 12.273.017001
Here is another community lot from my medieval world, Dracul Isle. This dusty old shop is the perfect place to find a special treasure item or just to buy some antique furniture. Come browe for those vintage clothes and other personal items.
This lot is an EA remodel. (Consignment Store)
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You have taken full advantage of all the wonderful Sims3 possibilities! Every lot makes me want to load up sims3 again, but computer can’t handle it very well!
Thanks, Tricia. Ahhh…that is too bad about your computer. I know what you mean. My laptop couldn’t handle sims 3 either. It did well with all the Sims 2 EPs, but not the base game of Sims3. I think I needed some new updated drivers, but just went to my desktop. I do miss my Sims3 hood and its sims. Sometimes, I get the urge, but just can’t find the time anymore for them. Maybe, someday you will get a new computer and join us fanatics. LOL