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  • Community Balineum Lux Aeterna – Roman Bath House   (Views: 14,425 )

    7 Responses

    1. Princess says:

      Amazing. This is really fantastic, well done!

    2. LadyAngel says:

      This is stunning – you really go out of your way to capture the atmosphere of every theme you build for and it shows!

    3. Thank you – I try my best. Glad you both like it.

    4. CheekyBugga says:

      I agree with the Ladies,no one could have done it better 🙂 well done hun

    5. xptl297 says:

      Wonderful! I haven’t seen many Roman baths in my life , but the pictures I can remember are not far from these ones. Well done!

    6. Thanks Donna.
      Xptl.: The baths are enhanced by your roman sim statues, Xptl, so thank you 🙂

    7. TheDeadSim says:

      Love the gardens and courtyards!! The rest is really great too 🙂

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