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Badminton Ranch (Views:

Bedrooms: 3
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §83,279
Unfurnished Price: §45,266
Game Version: 9.0.73
3 bedroom chalet bungalow with tons of room. There’s also room outside for parking if required.
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Super simmy attractive! That master bedroom is oh la la! So are you on a sims3 kick now? Say, on this site, what is more popular, 2 or 3?
Hi tric, thanks for your comment. 🙂 I’ve just re-installed Sims 3 after a few weeks, so I’m going through a bit of a phase at the moment!
I’m not sure, but I’d say at a push that TS2 is a tad more popular.
i love your landscaping on this one and the bathrooms look really luxurious, love the use of the black in the master bathroom. I also think the individual rooms are laid out very well. I think this might be my favourite. 🙂
What a lovely comment, thanks so much! I don’t know what I’d do without you and tric! 🙂