Marbelicious Manor
his luxurious, opulent home, so named because the outside walls are all marbelicious masonry, has 3 large bedrooms each with ensuite bathroom on the second floor, and formal living, dining, family room, and sitting room along with guest half bath on the first floor.

Victor Victorian
The house has 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths, nice front veranda and back porch, snug parlor, eat-in sunny kitchen, and elegant formal dining room.
Featured / Neighbourhoods & Maps
by triciamanly · Published May 5, 2014 · Last modified April 24, 2018

Isla Chica Neighborhood
Here is your virtual beach vacation spot for Sims.

Storybook Starters
All the houses have survival furnishings and cost less than 20,000.

Crawley House
This country house has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, lounge and dining room with fireplaces, morning room, and large kitchen. The garden will of course be a headache for Sims, but I imagine a beautiful English garden is a nightmare for real gardeners too.

Village Grocer Shop
It’s an all purpose place which includes groceries, bookstore, clothing, hair salon, and outdoor patio with grill.

High Clere Pub
At the High Clere Pub, there is great food with good service in two areas
by triciamanly · Published February 24, 2014 · Last modified February 13, 2019

Downton Abbey
Here is my far from perfect, full of creative license, version of Downton Abbey. We just finished watching season 4. I feel sorry for Edith. Why doesn’t she confide in Mary? I know Mary would support her. Mary seems rather cold, but she loves deeply.

The Live Well Starter Homes
The Live Well Starter Homes are for Sims who put the focus on the outside instead of the inside, that is to say, they care about outward appearance.

Wooford Plant Nursery
The greenhouse includes three windows by me, the inclined wall height window and two flat rooftops, one that matches the windows, and the other which is a bit higher.
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