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Residential Eds Pad


This was a request by Edward at Blackpearls, he wanted a 1 bedroom loft, modern, with room for a spa, and office fairly large kitchen open plan. I think I delivered, he likes it anyway which is the main thing!

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Residential About a Loft


Anthony and Misty Green came into a bit of money, they decided to buy a section in the burbs and build their dream home

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Starter Homes Quaint Starter


Lot Details: Bedrooms: 2 Condition: Starter Furnishings Price: §19,998 Lot Size: 2×2 [wpfp-link] Extra Info: Contains custom contentContent is included Tags residential,sims 2,starter Edit Post Delete Post I wanted to try and make this...

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Community Botanical Gardens


Consists of a pond with a warf, playground, fully fenced in swimming pool, bbq area, toilet facilities, hedge maze and a nice Gazebo set for a wedding and a bandstand.

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