Arizona Sunset (Views:

Bedrooms: 3
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §67,174
Unfurnished Price: §40,486
Game Version:
Here is a medium sized 3 to 4 bedroom fully furnished and decorated house for a nice sim family. The house is decorated in mauves, pinks, and reds, like a sunset in an Arizona mountain town. The house has a rural feel but all the modern conveniences. Your sim can own this house furnished for only $67,174, and unfurnished for $40,486. Hope it doesn’t sit empty long!
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This is really cute, I love the kitchen! 🙂
LadyAngel, thanks so much! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your site!
I’m so pleased…thank you for that 🙂
This house has a giant chimney.