Always Casual – Rules also for streakers (Views:

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This is a new version of my old mod – “Always Back to Casual” – that is supposed to avoid that sims walk around unproperly dressed. The mod will force sims to dress back to casual when they wake up in the morning.
Nothing special up now. But, this version is specially dedicated to streakers. You know streakers remain nude if they take a shower or any other interaction that denudes them.
The problem is that I move in streakers and so much nudity becomes boring. The reason I move them in, is particular to the way I play my game. NPCs that are created in relation to the EP Uni, even when they are living in the main hood, are still Uni townies, no matter if they have own house. This way I can skip the Uni townies that are mental retarded YAs who will never graduate. I don’t let the game create extra sims, so I have full control on who I want to have in my game. Uni NPCs are a bore that I cannot tolerate, so all my Uni townies are Streakers, lunch ladies or Couches. They can move into the main hood and will still visit Uni normally.
Specially speaking about the streaker, in the case of this mod, I stablished rules for their nudity. If they are NPCs at work, they will streak normally and will denude at Uni the way it is originally.
If they are moved in the Main Hood, they will be nude only IF: It is summer and there are no minors present; they are still Adults, elders will always dress up.
I like Adult mods and many of my mods are not recommended everywhere 😀 but I don’t like senseless interactions. It is bad enough to my eyes that the streakers are non YAs, running around nude inside an education institution. I make self Adult interactions that are very sharp but I still have mind limitations
Resuming: everybody will dress up back to casual, including moved in Streakers, to avoid a permanent nude sim and give more sense to the interaction. Why not elder streakers? Well, just because I think that If I started to run around nude – it would be visual polution!
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