Alpinloch School (Views:

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Alpinloch city planners, hoping to attract young families, chose a school as one of their top priorities. This one has 3 classrooms, gymnasium, office with teacher’s lounge, library, 3 sets of restrooms, and playground with swings. Students will have to bring their own lunch right now, but the gym could be easily converted to a multi-purpose room with cafeteria. Or, use your Freetime EP and add a basketball court (I tried to make the gym the right size for this), and a soccer field should fit on the playground. Nothing is more important to Alpinloch than the education of their future generations!
Only one piece of cc:
blackboard with simlish and plain blackboard wall hangings by triciamanly
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Love this, Already have a primary school in my game, might just have to take out the swings on this one pop in that soccer field and make it the high School! Thanks Anne!
This is great, the blackboard makes it look just like a real school!
It would need trash all over the floor to look like a real school! Well, maybe it’s at the start of day! We had vacuuming everyday in my school here in AZ and only twice a week in California. I found it therapeutic to pick up bits of trash after school every day.