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Alpineville (Views:

Property Type: Community
Lot Size: 4×5
Alpinloch City Planners invite you to enjoy the conveniences of downtown Alpineville. This little village offers almost every Sim need in one place: clothing boutique, groceries, restaurant, clubhouse and pool, and though Sims aren’t really spiritual, we can pretend they are in the church which also has room for you to bury your dead. Welcome! Come make your home here in Alpinloch!
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I love this! Is that a town hall I see in one of the pictures?
No Town Hall yet, It’s supposed to be a church! But maybe I will try to build a town hall for alpinloch.
Thank you so much for these lovely Alpine houses. They remind me of my vacations in Austria
Now I don’t know whom to be more jealous of – Anne for creating these, or LittleMissIvy for her lovely vacations!