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  • Residential Featured_postFancy Suburban Home   (Views: 5,153 )

    10 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      That is fantastic! You’ve captured the design perfectly, I love it!

    2. It’s brilliant! Love it! and if i was still downloading houses i would download this 🙂

    3. CheekyBugga says:

      Well I love it You truly are talented Cam you are the only one here that even attempted this house.I am downloading it because even tho I don’t like 2 story houses,the layout you have done still gives me a bedroom and nursery and living area’s all on one level and thats what I love and no altering at all apart from taking out the stairs Thank you 😀

    4. ekrubynaffit says:

      Lovely fulfulment of a request, did a great job!

    5. TheDeadSim says:

      Originally Posted by cheeky
      Well I love it You truly are talented Cam you are the only one here that even attempted this house.I am downloading it because even tho I don’t like 2 story houses,the layout you have done still gives me a bedroom and nursery and living area’s all on one level and thats what I love and no altering at all apart from taking out the stairs Thank you

      Wow that’s awfully nice of you 🙂
      You could easily remove the top level if you wanted and converted the leisure room and study into additional bedrooms and still having dining, kitchen & living areas.

    6. TofuSnorlax says:

      Thank you, TDS, this is certainly wonderful. You have done an amazing job of what wasn’t even in the original picture. What I love most is how realistic it all seems to me – the half wall by the back door, the placement of lovely CC windows and doors, it’s all such a great mix between being Sim-friendly and realistic. You’ve really done well and this is a wonderful, spacious, and luxurious home.

    7. CheekyBugga says:

      Me be nice?? No way lol Seriously I meant every word buddy 🙂 I love the look of 2 story houses and it would spoil the house if I did that!! So I won’t 🙂 I just don’t like playing 2 story houses thats all 🙂

    8. TheDeadSim says:

      Originally Posted by TofuSnorlax
      Thank you, TDS, this is certainly wonderful. You have done an amazing job of what wasn’t even in the original picture. What I love most is how realistic it all seems to me – the half wall by the back door, the placement of lovely CC windows and doors, it’s all such a great mix between being Sim-friendly and realistic. You’ve really done well and this is a wonderful, spacious, and luxurious home.

      Good to hear that you like it 🙂
      I wasn’t quite sure how to tackle the front but I hope it’s to you likings as well lol

    9. triciamanly says:

      What a beautiful lot! I was checking to see if there were any requests and found this one from a while ago. You did a great job with imagining what the front would look like. Dead Sim could really be a terrific architect in real life if he wanted to!

    10. chilili says:

      Oh, I love this house> Can I make changes to it and then show it on here. I love the windows, Thanks so much for this house and I can see the time & work you put in it.

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