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  • Neighbourhoods & Maps Featured_postIsla Chica Neighborhood   (Views: 21,511 )

    11 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      Anne, I’m absolutely stunned by this, it’s awesome! The little farmers market – so cute! And I adore the public beach lot…love this so much, thank you for uploading it!

    2. triciamanly says:

      Yipee! Thanks so much Lady Angel. I was hoping I had packaged it correctly. Were you able to see it in your game? I still have not been able to download a whole neighborhood and see it in my game. Every now and then I try, but I never have any luck. I have read your tutorial. I’m going to try again with Valley Dale!

    3. LadyAngel says:

      Yes, it shows up in my game. I’m in the process of loading it now and will let you know if I have any problems. 🙂

    4. LadyAngel says:

      Ann, did you make this terrain using Sims City 4? I’ve always wanted to try a new terrain but haven’t gotten around to it, yet.

    5. Lovely!!! Vacation hot spots are something I haven’t got to yet – and this is perfect! Thanks 😀

    6. triciamanly says:

      Originally Posted by LadyAngel
      Ann, did you make this terrain using Sims City 4? I’ve always wanted to try a new terrain but haven’t gotten around to it, yet.

      Yes, Sims City 4. I find it rather difficult, lots of tries to get a good surface, but the process is easy. Try it!

    7. triciamanly says:

      Originally Posted by CatherineTCJD
      Lovely!!! Vacation hot spots are something I haven’t got to yet – and this is perfect! Thanks

      Catherine, thanks so much! If you download, I’d love to hear what you think. As you know, I’m thinking of uploading to MTS, but I may not.

    8. LadyAngel says:

      I honestly can’t see any reason why they wouldn’t accept this. It has no cc, and you have pics of the lots inside – I’d say go for it!

    9. ekrubynaffit says:

      Wow anne, this is fantastic!!! What a beautiful hood!

    10. jlouis says:

      More and more beautiful work, I think all the hours you spent to achieve, what courage need you, andwhat a talent,
      My sincere thanks and admiration

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