Wooford Plant Nursery (Views:

Item Type: Business
Lot Size: 2×2
Price: §?
Horace and Hortensia Wooford (not the Boston Woofords) are a sweet little couple with family aspiration. She always wears a red flower above her ear which gave him the idea of opening a nursery as a family business. They bought this greenhouse with living quarters above it for less than 20,000 simoleons including starting inventory. They had the usual business struggles, slow on the register, fumbling at restocking, and flopping at sales but kept at it. He ended up joining the army to get a dependable paycheck. He is a super nice man, no grouchy points, and has now achieved a silver badge in selling and on the cash register. She is a 7 in creativity and can paint awesome still lifes of the bouquets she arranges which she then sells in the greenhouse. She has bronze badges in register and sales, and silver in restocking. She loves to clean, no sloppy points personality wise. Before I moved them to another neighborhood to get rid of prior relationships, the business was ranked a 6. Unfortunately, they closed the business when they moved and had to start over.
The greenhouse includes three windows by me, the inclined wall height window and two flat rooftops, one that matches the windows, and the other which is a bit higher. If your sims don’t want the nursery business, the sales floor should make an awesome living space with all the natural light.
I’ve never uploaded an occupied lot before and would appreciate a tester! I like Horace and Hortensia so much, and they’ve worked so hard to get their business badges, that I wanted to share them.
I have also included with this thread an unoccupied starter version which I called Home Business Starter with a price of 19.983 including starting inventory and basic fixtures.
In addition, I included a community lot version which I called Wooford Garden Center and can be purchased as a business for the same price. Hopefully one of these versions will be perfect for your game.
Extra Info
In addition to the windows, other cc includes walls, floors, and a bedspread by me.
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Love this home business, Anne. 🙂
Would you mind testing the occupied version? Also, maybe everyone but me knows this, but if you have a home business and set a price on all your plants, you never have to water or trim. You just never open the business either and voila, no gardening without downloading a hack.
I would rather not test an occupied lot, Anne, I don’t mind testing the unoccupied lot with one of my own sims if that would help?
What a great tip re the plants Tric!! I will try this 🙂
I love this Anne, it must have taken ages to build this for under 20,000.