Hammocks (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Comfort – Beds & Bedding
Room: Multiple Rooms
Price: §143
Poly Count(s): 1604, 2804
Here is a couple of Hammocks that don’t require anything. They are in fact normal beds, but not related to the original beds either. They are recoded to be just beds, that means, a place to Sleep. You cannot relax or woohoo on them. I removed all the beds coding and left just the sleeping part of it. The bed is fully functional and the sheets work as they should. The bedding is reduced but takes all the game recolors. So, it is a normal bed shaped as a hammock. Self contained objects that still don’t have proper crash borders and you should place something to avoid that sims walk thru the edges of the hammock. I place some books or magazines on the ground cause I still had no patience to learn the proper measures to correct it. If you can have that patience, be my guest or use it to wait that I get your same patience. LOL! There are two versions, both single beds and are shaped as the ones you find in BV (not required): the wood swing and the other includes the Palms. They are located in Surfaces/Miscellaneous and costs § 143 each. Poly count is 1604 for the wood hammock and 2804 for the Palms hammock, of course plus 952 polys for the bedding that is unavoidable, for both.
Extra Info
Objects fit to Life Stories – 1st Edition.
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Another base game must! Love this!
Cleverer and cleverer! Love the gorilla prop!