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  • Dorms Featured_postSimly Dorm   (Views: 1,759 )

    3 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      Anne I love this! How on earth did you manage to get the pool on the roof? I’ve been trying to create something similar using CFE for months, but have had so many problems I’ve just given up. šŸ™ The floor beneath my pool won’t allow me to place any doors and my Sims can’t enter rooms or sections there, it’s so frustrating!

    2. triciamanly says:

      Originally Posted by LadyAngel
      Anne I love this! How on earth did you manage to get the pool on the roof? I’ve been trying to create something similar using CFE for months, but have had so many problems I’ve just given up. The floor beneath my pool won’t allow me to place any doors and my Sims can’t enter rooms or sections there, it’s so frustrating!

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Lady Angel. I learned to do fake rooftop pool from Tiff. It’s easy. Place a 1/4 high wall between your top floor and the roof. Build the stairs up to the top of the 1/4 wall and place flooring everywhere except the pool. The pool area will be 1/4 below the floor and that’s all you need for a pool. Place watery looking tiles in the floor of the pool. The floors below the pool shouldn’t be affected because they are full walls. Thanks so much for always giving us something fun to do. SimFansUK forever!

    3. LadyAngel says:

      Thank you for the tips Anne. I was wondering if I could impose on you to have a look at my house to see where I’ve gone wrong? I could send you the file. The only thing is that I’ve used all packs to create it.

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