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  • Residential Ocean Rim Apartments   (Views: 1,414 )

    4 Responses

    1. Very modern looking, Anne. I like the sea view.

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Lovely, base game lot, Anne – these will make wonderful apartments! The beach screenshot looks lovely!

    3. triciamanly says:

      thanks to my two dear friends, karen lorraine and lady angel! This apartment is somewhat similar to one my family lived in in Panama City, Panama when I was in High School. We lived on the third floor and felt save enough to leave our glass door open to the balcony to catch the cool ocean breeze. (We were several blocks away from the beach). A burglar climbed up the lattice wall and broke in. I woke up to find him in my room. Long story short, the Lord took care of us and we weren’t harmed. But learned a lesson!

    4. chilili says:

      Wow, tricia, I bet you were really scared. Thenk God, he was watching over you all.
      God Bless and pray it doesn’t happen again.

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