Crawley House (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §171,020
Lot Size: 3×4
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Poor Mrs. Crawley is missing her Matthew terribly so I tried to make her house lovely for her. I made quite a bit of cc, particularly the Persian rugs. I apologize that they are made up of individual squares, but you do what you can do. I also made what I call Vintage wallpapers and panels which hopefully give the house an authentic feel. Mrs. Crawley is definitely not an aristocrat, but she lives well.
This country house has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, lounge and dining room with fireplaces, morning room, and large kitchen. The garden will of course be a headache for Sims, but I imagine a beautiful English garden is a nightmare for real gardeners too.
I hope you have a Sim who will enjoy this home.
All cc, which includes, two windows, floors, walls, curtain and painting recolors, by me
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This look so cosy and comfortable. You’ve used just the right amount of cc 🙂
Another lovely lot Anne, loving these old English builds!
I’ve just had another look at this on my PC and I love the landscaping! That wall never looks right on any lot I use it on, but it looks so good on this one…love this house!
I always like your houses. I am glad this is a larger one. I like to add extras outside like playground, garden etc.