Inexpensive Living 001 (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Unfurnished
Bedrooms: 1
Price: §11,635
Lot Size: 2×3
As requested by Sim Fans UK member, marka93, this is the first in a series of four unfurnished starter homes under 12,000 simoleons. There is also no cc used in the lot. Per specifications, this house has 1 bedroom and 2 bathrooms. The focus was on creating an interesting looking exterior and a floor plan that flows for easy playing. The Spanish style red tile roof and white washed walls look very well in Veronaville. Hope your sims will enjoy inexpensive living!
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Fabulous! Can’t believe you made this for under 12,000!
Looks great will try it out soon.
But this is not what I ask for in the 4 sets of houses, each set of houses need 1- 2 bedrooms 2- 3 bedrooms and 1- 4 bedrooms with all houses having 2 bath each.
Marka I think you you will find that Anne has made the first house in the 12,000 range. This one has the 1 bedroom and 2 bathrooms, she did say that she will make one first and then see if that was the sort of thing you were looking for then make the others in this price range.
Anne looks lovely, still dont know how you can manage making a house this cheap and have it look great!! :ok:
Yes it looks great and I have already downloaded it.
This is great Tric! Would you mind if I took this and furnished it? 🙂
Yay! So glad you like it. The other 3 in the 12,000 range are finished. Am uploading today.
Tiff, thanks so much! I really chintzed on the landscaping, that’s how it was so cheap. I’m grateful that Lady Angel gives us some leeway on starters!
I’m so pleased you like it! Of course, it’s bare bones but I think marka wants to custom furnish so hopefully it will work.
The whole set works great and thank you for your time.