2 Lakeview Terrace (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §96,506
Lot Size: 3×3
Extra Info:
Contains custom content
Content is included
Another house made with just the basegame. This has 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dining, living room and bathroom on the 1st floor and on the basement level is a self contained area with kitchenette, bathroom Living area and bedroom, where you can pop the Mother in Law (if you get along with her, dont think mine would be there if it was my house!!!!)
Custom Content included
– Pretty Italy No. 1 by Jasiek123
– Pretty Italy No. 9 by Jasiek123
– Walls and painting recolurs by me
– the beige stripe by LadyAngel
– Loft stairs by Salix https://salixsims.com/
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OHHHHHH fantastic house!!! BUT Ohhhh my legs ache after looking at all those stairs your poor poor lil Simmies Another fine JOB!!
They’re for the Mother in Law, she needs the exercise 😀
This is gorgeous, I love the landscaping!
Beautiful house, Tiff. Would make an excellent Apartment, cos that is what I would do with it 🙂 like my Granny annexe that I made.
I love the rural setting, the lush green grass and little dirt paths! The house fits perfectly here!
There sure are a few stairs but they certainly makes it awesome
The second image sells it for me. The place looks peaceful. 🙂