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  • Residential 2 Lakeview Terrace   (Views: 2,163 )

    6 Responses

    1. CheekyBugga says:

      OHHHHHH fantastic house!!! BUT Ohhhh my legs ache after looking at all those stairs your poor poor lil Simmies Another fine JOB!!

    2. ekrubynaffit says:

      Originally Posted by cheeky
      OHHHHHH fantastic house!!! BUT Ohhhh my legs ache after looking at all those stairs your poor poor lil Simmies Another fine JOB!!

      They’re for the Mother in Law, she needs the exercise 😀

    3. LadyAngel says:

      This is gorgeous, I love the landscaping!

    4. Beautiful house, Tiff. Would make an excellent Apartment, cos that is what I would do with it 🙂 like my Granny annexe that I made.

    5. triciamanly says:

      I love the rural setting, the lush green grass and little dirt paths! The house fits perfectly here!

    6. TheDeadSim says:

      There sure are a few stairs but they certainly makes it awesome
      The second image sells it for me. The place looks peaceful. 🙂

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