My Council House (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 4
Price: §107,664
Lot Size: 3×3
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If you can forgive a bit of poetic license, this is pretty, darn close to our 4-bedroom council house. The stairs have another landing halfway up, but I couldn’t do that 😥 , and I’ve taken a few liberties with the decor and furniture to cut down on cc, but this is basically it.
The house is semi-detached, so in reality there are houses either side. We have the garden shed at the side of the house as it blew away one blustery day when it was at the back! The back of our house looks over miles of fields and we often get wildlife visiting. To date there have been hedgehogs, a fox, a goat, a peacock, a woodpecker, a kestrel and thousands of common birds! Oh, and we get a fluffy feline visitor who thinks she lives here! Our 2 cats don’t like it, but she’s so cute!
We have solid fuel central heating, so this strange structure at the back is supposed to be the coal bunker!
JJ actually installed the fireplace and build the hearth himself! He’s so clever!
The chair near the TV is exactly where I’m sitting right now!
Our teeny-tiny kitchen, looking suspiciously tidy!
Our boys’ rooms never look this neat!
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Lmao Angela That’s right blame the Aussie 😛 I love it Is your computer in your bedroom?? I’m a sticky beak I want to know where you sit to do all your creating 😀 and I would love a fireplace!! Sadly we don’t have one ….Well Done Angela!! Feel’s weird looking at your own house on the Internet eh??
Thanks Donna 🙂 My main PC is normally connected to the TV in the lounge, but it’s broken at the moment, as you know. I’m using my laptop now, but always sit in the same place to surf…on the armchair next to the lounge door. 🙂 Feel like I’m being spied on now! lol
YES you are!!! Million’s of stalkers all looking thru your “bits” Feels so strange ..What have I started!!!!! hahahahaha
Strangely enough, my daughter (Princess on here) created a spookily similar version of a former home of ours. It’s called ’26 Broad Lane’. She also created an unfurnished version of her own home. 🙂 She’s much better at that kind of thing than I am!
Thats so cute! I love your kitchen! its so nice and small and easy to maintain!, Think I will have to follow suit and make mine lol!
Lovely house Angela, can see why you’re reluctant to move now. my house backs onto an orchard and i can just about see the common from my back bedroom window 🙂
Ah yes Broad Lane
I love this… but where is my room ??! 😥
Thanks for all your comments everyone!
Princess, you forfeited your room, it will soon(!) be a posh guest room! 😛
The house has now been updated with a much more accurate version. And Princess, you have your room back now, happy? 😛
Yes very happy 🙂
It looks great! Think I might try mine again … furnished this time …