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Coats Cottage – Base Game, No CC (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §106,387
Lot Size: 3×2
Extra Info:
This is a base game, 2-bedroom home with fake garage. This can easily be turned into a real garage for those with the appropriate expansion packs. If your Sims don’t have a car, there’s a convenient bus stop just outside the house. 😀
Required Expansion Packs:
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Very cute. Love the layout too. The bus stop outside is very interesting 😀
Love the roof! Coats Cottage will no doubt be the home of an influential and successful sim family. I like the front especially and the bus stop is a touch of realism (not to mention green!)
Thanks girls…I find building with the base game and no CC is increasingly harder, so adding unusual touches helps 🙂
Very cute, and just love the bus stop, never thought of puttng one of those….
Thanks Chi, bus stops are a very common sight in England 🙂