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Sunbeam Cottage – Base Game (Views: 1,908 )
Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §121,493
Lot Size: 3×2
Extra Info:
This upload contains custom content
Meshes are included
4-bedroom Tudor-style cottage with attractive gardens.
Custom content are the wall coverings and flowers, from myself and triciamanly, and
Required Expansion Packs:
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It’s fantastic what you can do with the base game. I love your fire place 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Boy, you have been busy! I really like all your new stuff, and this house is so attractive. You have stretched base game to new limits!
Thanks tric…you’re always so encouraging 🙂
I love your fireplace too, and I really like the house.
19 downloads!!!! That’s a lot and so gratifying, huh, Lady Angel? Congratulations!