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  • Starter Homes 29 Lofthouse Drive, Starter Home, Base Game, No CC   (Views: 2,044 )

    4 Responses

    1. triciamanly says:

      You’re right! You look at the house which is really attractive and think, “It would be so fun to fix it up!” If I do that, can I upload the decked out version?

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Please, please do! lol I’m also in the middle of ‘doing it up’, so it would be interesting to compare 🙂

    3. LadyAngel says:

      Some images to show what it could look like furnished:

    4. triciamanly says:

      You know, it’s an awesome house with lots of possibilities! I love how you decorated it. This is what real sims would do as they got money, nice furniture, pictures, etc.

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