Lycos House (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Unfurnished
Price: §20,478
Lot Size: 3×2
Extra Info:
This lot is occupied
This is the Lycos Dog made by Maxis. It was only released on the French site during a promotion deal with Lycos. The dog is pre-packaged with a family/house, which is why I’ve placed it in the ‘Occupied’ residential section. Apparently it adds a custom dog collar in CAS but not a custom breed.
I couldn’t get this to install correctly, so following info from MTS I opened the ‘Program files/EA Games/The Sims 2 Pets/CSBin’ folder and dragged the file to packageinstaller.exe within.
Required Expansion Packs:
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Hi is this EA package house or did you repack it from a hood.
I have download it and it can only be in stalled by Sims 2 installer, Clean Installer will not work.
So for those who have the clean installer need to un-install it and let Sims 2 Installer to install it.
This house came packaged with the dog 🙂